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Marie Stopes Clinic Ta Khmao has relocated

News & Updates  •  30 August 2021  • 2 min read



It is essential, even during the Covid-19 pandemic, that everyone continues to have access to the sexual and reproductive health services they need. This is why our Marie Stopes Clinic Ta Khmao, in its new and improved location, remains open to provide a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services. 

We offer many affordable and high-quality services for women and men, such as contraception, safe abortion, STI check-ups, HPV vaccinations, cervical cancer screening, maternity services and other gynaelogical services. Our clinic Ta Khmao accepts NSSF cards. 

With state-of-the-art equipment and by following international standards, we ensure that you get the best experience as you receive our service.   

From the moment you walk into our clinic, our receptionist will be there to welcome you. We practice strict COVID-19 preventive measures, such as mask wearing, alcohol spraying, regular disinfection, client temperature checks, and QR code scanning, to ensure that all our clients and staff remain safe. 

Our friendly providers are trained to offer services free of judgement, no matter your marital status, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity or religion and we ensure client confidentiality.    

 Our Marie Stopes Clinic Ta Khmao has moved from our old location to street number 107, near the riverside and the River Project. 

We strongly encourage you to book an appointment before coming to our clinic to prevent crowding and to practice social distancing. You can contact 012 999 002 or 098 999 102, or go to our Marie Stopes Facebook page: Marie Stopes Cambodia or visit our website at www.mariestopes.org.kh to obtain further information about our services and book an appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon. Check clinic’s new location here.

